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Textual variants in the New Testament : ウィキペディア英語版
Textual variants in the New Testament

Textual variants in the New testament are the subject of the study called textual criticism of the New Testament. Textual variants in manuscripts arise when a copyist makes deliberate or inadvertent alterations to a text being reproduced. Some common alterations include the deletion, rearrangement, repetition, or replacement of one or more words when the copyist's eye returns to a similar word in the wrong location of the original text. If their eye skips to an earlier word, they may create a repetition (error of dittography). If their eye skips to a later word, they may create an omission, or they may resort to performing a slight rearranging of words to retain the overall meaning without compromising the context. In other instances, the copyist may add text from memory from a similar or parallel text in another location. Otherwise, they may also replace some text of the original with an alternative reading. Spellings occasionally change. Synonyms may be substituted. A pronoun may be changed into a proper noun (such as "he said" becoming "Jesus said").
Origen, writing in the 3rd century, was one of the first who made remarks about differences between manuscripts of texts that were eventually collected as the New Testament. He declared his preferences among variant readings. For example, in , he favored "Barabbas" against "Jesus Barabbas" (''In Matt. Comm. ser.'' 121). In , he preferred "Bethabara" over "Bethany" as the location where John was baptizing (''Commentary on John'' VI.40 (24)). "Gergeza" was preferred over "Geraza" or "Gadara" (''Commentary on John'' VI.40 (24) – see ). At Hebrews 2:9, Origen noticed two different readings: "apart from God" and "by the grace of God".
John Mill's 1707 Greek New Testament was estimated to contain some 30,000 variants in its accompanying textual apparatus〔Adam Fox, ''John Mill and Richard Bentley: A Study of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament 1675–1729'' (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1954), pp. 105–115; John Mill, ''Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum lectionibus variantibus MSS'' (Oxford 1707)〕 which was based on "nearly 100 () manuscripts."〔Metzger and Ehrman (2005), p.154〕 Eberhard Nestle estimated this number in 1897 as 150,000–200,000 variants.〔E. Nestle, ''Einfürung in das Griechische Neue Testament'', p. 23.〕 Bart D. Ehrman has estimated that there are "between 200,000–400,000 variants () several million pages of manuscripts,"〔Bart D. Ehrman: ''Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why'', p. 90 ((review) ).〕 and in 2014 Eldon J. Epp raised the estimate as high as 750,000.〔Eldon J. Epp, "(Why Does New Testament Textual Criticism Matter? )," ''Expository Times'' 125 no. 9 (2014) 419.〕 Still, Epp says that there is "no reliable estimate of the total number of variants found in our extant witnesses."〔Epp, 419.〕
Since 1981, Greek New Testament manuscripts have commonly been categorized into five groups.
An abbreviated list of textual variants in the New Testament is given in this article (below).
*mss: ''manuscripts''
*\mathfrak: papyrus
*number beginning with "0": uncial
*number ''not'' beginning with "0": minuscule
*ℓ: lectionary
*"Byz" or 𝔐: Byzantine text-type
*ƒ: Family
*vg: Vulgate
*A: Codex Alexandrinus
*B: Codex Vaticanus
*C: Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
*Dea: Codex Bezae
*Dp: Codex Claromontanus
*Ke: Codex Cyprius
*Kap: Codex Mosquensis I
*Le: Codex Regius (New Testament)
*Lap: Codex Angelicus
*Papr: Codex Porphyrianus
*W: Codex Washingtonianus
*Z: Codex Dublinensis
*Γ: Codex Tischendorfianus IV
*Δ: Codex Sangallensis 48
*Θ: Codex Koridethi
*Π: Codex Petropolitanus (New Testament)
*Φ: Codex Beratinus
*Ξ: Codex Zacynthius
*Ψ: Codex Athous Lavrensis
*Ω: Codex Athous Dionysiou
*א: Codex Sinaiticus
*ff1: Codex Corbeiensis I
== Gospel of Matthew ==

Matthew 1:3
: Ζαρε — B mae-1
: Ζαρα — ''rell'' (i.e., all other extant MSS that have been collated at this passage)
Matthew 1:6
: Δαυιδ δε ο βασιλευς (''Also David the king'') — C K L W Δ Π 33 157 892 1071 𝔐 itmss vg syrh geo
: Δαυιδ δε (''Also David'') — א B Γ ƒ1 ƒ13 579 700 itg1,k vgmss syrs, c,p cop arm Didymus
Matthew 1:16
: Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by ƒ1
Matthew 1:18
: Ιησου (''Jesus'') — W
: Χριστου (''Christ'') — 71 Latt syrs,c Diatessaronsyr Theophilus Irenaeuslat Chromatius Jeromept Augustine
: Χριστου Ιησου (''Christ Jesus'') — B Origenpt Jeromept
: Ιησου Χριστου (''Jesus Christ'') — ''rell''
Matthew 1:19
: δειγματισαι (''make an example of'') — א1 B Z ƒ1
: παραδιγματίσαι (''make an example/spectacle of'') — א
* W
: παραδειγματισαι (''make an example/spectacle of'') — א2 C L Θ ƒ13 33 𝔐
Matthew 1:21
: τεξεται δε σοι υιον (''Then she will bring forth to you a son'') — syrs,c
: τεξεται δε υιον (''Then she will bring forth a son'') — ''rell''
Matthew 1:21
: αυτος γαρ σωσει τον κοσμον (''for he will save the world'') — syrc
: αυτος γαρ σωσει τον λαον αυτου (''for he will save his people'') — ''rell''
Matthew 1:22
: δια Ησαιου του προφητου (''through Isaiah the prophet'') — D 269 954 ita,b,c,d vgmss syrs,h,pal copsams arm Diatessaronsyr Irenaeuslat
: δια στοματος Ησαιου του προφητου (''through the mouth of Isaiah the prophet'') — syrc
: δια του προφητου (''through the prophet'') — ''rell''
Matthew 1:23
: καλεσεις το ονομα (''yousg will call his name'') — D
itd(c),ff1 copbomss Origen Eusebius
: καλεσει το ονομα (''he will call his name'') — itd

: καλεσουσιν το ονομα (''they will call his name'') — ''rell''
Matthew 1:24
: ἐγερθεὶς (''woke'') — א B C
* Z 071 ƒ1
: διεγερθεὶς (''was awakened'') — C3 D L W 087 ƒ13 33 𝔐
Matthew 1:25
: ουκ εγινωσκεν αυτην εως ου (''was not knowing her until which ()'') — omitted by itk syrs
Matthew 1:25
: υιον (''a son'') — א B Zvid 071vid ƒ1 ƒ13pt 33 1192 itb,c,g1,k syrc,palmss mae-1 geo Ambrose Chromatius
: αυτω υιον (''to him a son'') — syrs
: τον υιον (''the son'') — copbo
: υιον αυτης (''her son'') — 1182 copsa
: τον υιον τον πρωτοτοκον (''the firstborn son'') — D
* L itd,q
: τον υιον αυτης τον πρωτοτοκον (''her firstborn son'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:3
: πασα (''everyone'') — omitted by D
Matthew 2:4
: παρ' αυτων (''close to them'') — omitted by D Γ
Matthew 2:5
: per Esiam prophetam dicentum (''through Isaiah the prophet who related'') — ita
: δια του προφητου Μιχαιου (''through the prophet Micah'') — 4 copboms
: δια του προφητου (''through the prophet'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:9
: επανω (''over'') — omitted by syrs Origen
Matthew 2:9
: του παιδιου (''of the child'') — D it
: ου ην το παιδιον (''where the child was'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:11
: ευρον (''they found'') — 2c, 474, itaur,b,c,ff1,g1 vg
: ειδον (''they saw'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:11
: τας πηρας (''their bag'') — Epiphanius
: τους θησαυρους (''their treasures'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:15
: του στοματος Ησαιου του προφητου (''the mouth of Isaiah the prophet'') — syrs
: του προφητου (''the prophet'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:17
: ρηθεν υπο Κυριου δια Ιερεμιου (''spoken by the LORD through Jeremiah'') — D itaur
Matthew 2:18
: κλαυθμος (''weeping'') — א, B, Z, 0250, ƒ1, 22, 279, 372 1491 𝑙''2211'' lat syrp,pal copsa,mae Justin Hilary Jerome Augustine Hesychius
: θρηνος (''lamentation'') — copbo
: θρῆνος καὶ κλαυθμός (''lamentation and weeping'') — C D E K L W Δ Π Σ 0233 ƒ13, most minuscules, 𝔐 𝑙''70'' 𝑙''150'' 𝑙''185'' 𝑙''1761'' it(d) syrs,c,h arm eth geo slav Origen Proclus
Matthew 2:18
: βρυγμος (''gnashing'') — Z
: οδυρμος (''wailing'') — ''rell''
Matthew 2:21
: ηλθεν (''came'') — D L W 0233 0250 ƒ1 ƒ13 33 coppt 𝔐
: εισηλθεν (''entered'') — א B C coppt
: επανηλθεν (''was returning'') — coppt Eusebius
Matthew 3:3
: φωνη βοωντος εν τη ερημω (''A voice shouting in the wild'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 3:3
: ευθειας ποιειτε τας τριβους αυτου (''Make his paths straight'') — omitted by itk syrs
Matthew 3:3 (see Isaiah 40:3)
: του Θεου ημων (''of our God'') — itb syrc Irenaeus
: omitted (see previous variant) — itk syrs
: αυτου — ''rell''
Matthew 3:5
: παιδια Ιεροσολυμα (''the children of Jerusalem'') — syrs,c
: τα Ιεροσολυμα (''the Jerusalemites'') — 157 1071c
: πασα Ιεροσολυμα (''all Jerusalem'') — 517 892 1424
: πασα η Ιεροσολυμα (''all of Jerusalem'') — ƒ1 22 1365 ita,k,l vgms arm Origen
: Ιεροσολυμα (''Jerusalem'') — ''rell''
Matthew 3:6
: εις τον Ιορδανην (''into the Jordan'') — 983 1689
: εν τω Ιορδανη (''in the Jordan'') — C3 D K L Π ƒ13 28 700 892 𝔐 lat mae-1
: εν τω Ιορδανη ποταμω (''in the Jordan River'') — א B C
* M S W Δ 0233 ƒ1 22 33 157 346 579 1424 itq syr cop arm Origen
Matthew 3:9
: εν εαυτοις (''in yourselves'') — omitted by itmss syrs Chrysostom
Matthew 3:11
: οπισω μου (''behind me'') — omitted by ita,d copsamss Cyprian
Matthew 3:11
: και πυρι (''and fire'') — omitted by E S V Ω 2 28 517 579 1424 𝔐 syrpal
Matthew 3:14
: Ιωαννης (''John'') — omitted by א
* B 𝑙''1043'' copsa Eusebius
Matthew 3:15
: τοτε αφιησιν αυτον βαπτισθηναι (''Then he permitted him to be baptized.'') — syrs,c
: (αφιησιν αυτον ) et cum baptizaretur lumen ingens circum fulsit de aqua, ita ut timerent omnes qui advenerant (''Then he permitted him. And when he should be baptized, a prodigious light shone about from (down upon?) the water, so that all they who had come would fear.'') — ita
: (αφιησιν αυτον ) et cum baptizaretur Iesus lumen magnum fulgebat de aqua, ita ut timerant omnes qui congregati erant (''Then he permitted him. And when Jesus should be baptized, a great light was shining from (down upon?) the water, so that all they who were gathered together would fear.'') — itg1
: και πυρ ανηφθη εν τω Ιορδανη (''And fire was kindled in the Jordan.'') — Justin Martyr
: ''...the light that appeared on the water (the Jordan )...'' — DiatessaronTatian (per Ephrem)
: και ευθυς περιελαμψε τον τοπον φως μεγα (''And immediately a great light illuminated that place'') — GospelHeb (per Epiphanius)〔Epiphanius, ''Panarion'' 30:13〕
: τοτε αφιησιν αυτον (''Then he permitted him.'') — ''rell''
Matthew 3:17
: λεγουσα προς αυτον Συ ει ο υιος μου (''saying to him, "You are my son"'') — D ita,d syrs,c,pal Irenaeus
: λεγουσα Ουτος εστιν ο υιος μου (''saying, "This is my son"'') — ''rell''
Matthew 4:2
: και νυκτας τεσσερακοντα (''and forty nights'') — omitted by ƒ1 syrc Irenaeus
Matthew 4:4
: εκπορευομενω δια στοματος (''going out through the mouth'') — omitted by D ita,b,d,g1 Clement Tertullian Augustine
Matthew 4:6
: βαλε σεαυτον εντευθεν κατω (''Throw yourself down from here'') — C
* Θ syrs copbo
: βαλε σεαυτον κατω (''Throw yourself down'') — ''rell''
Matthew 4:10
: υπαγε (''Go away!'') — א B C
*vid K P S V W Δ Σ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 22 372 565 579
* 700 892
* 1079 1546 2680 2737 𝑙''253'' itf,k,l(c) vgmss syrp,h,pal copmss geomss slavmss Diatessaronarm Ignatius Irenaeuspt Tertullian Origen Hilary Chromatius Basil Jerome
: vade retro (''Go behind!'') — ita, aur, c, ff1, g1 vgmss Irenaeusarm
: υπαγε οπισω μου (''Get behind me!'') — C2 D E L Z 28 33 118supp 157 180 205 209 597c 892c 1006 1009 1010 1071 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 1365 1424 1505 1582c 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 𝑙''76'' itb,d,h,l
vgms syrc copmss arm eth geomss slavmss Diatessaronsyr Justin Liber Graduum Athanasius Asterius Ephraem (Ambrose) Chrysostom (Augustine) Nestoriusmss
: υπαγε οπισω σου (''Get behind you'' or ''Get you behind'') — syrs
Matthew 4:12
: ο Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B C
*vid D Z 33 700 1010 1241 itff1,k syrs cop Origen
Matthew 4:17
: μετανοειτε (''Repent!'') — omitted by itk syrs,c (Justin) Clement Origenmss (Eusebius)
Matthew 4:18
: Παραγων (''while passing'') — D it syrs Eusebius
: Περιπατων (''while walking'') — ''rell''
Matthew 4:18
: τον λεγομενον Πετρον (''who is called Peter'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 4:21-22
: Both verses omitted — W 33
Matthew 4:23
: ο Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by B 𝑙''20'' 𝑙''1043'' it(k) syrc copsa,mae-1
Matthew 4:24
: Και απηλθεν η ακοη αυτου εις ολην την Συριαν (''And the report of him went forth into all of Syria'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 4:24
: δαιμονιζομενους και σεληνιαζομενους και παραλυτικους (''those being possessed by demons, and those being moonstruck, and the paralytics'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 4:24
: και παντας εθεραπευσεν (''and he tended to all'') — D it syrs,c
: text omitted — it(k)
: και εθεραπευσεν αυτους (''and he tended to them'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:4-5
: Verses appear in reverse order (''5-4'') — D 17 33 130 ita,aur,c,d,ff1,g1,h,k,l vg syrc copboms Diatessaron Clement Origen Eusebius Apostolic Canons Aphraates Hilary Ephraem Basil Gregory Ambrose Chrysostompt Jerome Augustine Theodoretpt
Matthew 5:11
: οταν οι ανθρωποι (''whenever other men'') — 0133 itaur
: οταν (''whenever'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:11
: ρημα (''statement'') — omitted by א B D 𝑙''1043'' lat syr(s),c cop Tertullian
Matthew 5:11
: ψευδομενοι (''while lying'' i.e. ''falsely'') — omitted by D itb,c,d,g1,h,k syrs Tertullian Origenpt Eusebius Hilary Lucifer Ambrose Chromatiuspt Augustinept Speculum
Matthew 5:11
: ενεκεν του ονοματος μου (''for the sake of my name'') — syrs,c
: ενεκεν δικαιοσυνης (''for the sake of righteousness'') — D itmss
: ενεκεν εμου (''for my sake'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:12
: τους προ υμων (''who were before you'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 5:18
: παρελθη απο του νομου και των προφητων (''pass away from the Law and the Prophets'') — Θ Σ ƒ13 565 1071 syrpalmss arm Irenaeuslat
: παρελθη απο του νομου (''pass away from the Law'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:19
: ος δ’ αν ποιηση και διδαξη ουτος μεγας κληθησεται εν τη βασιλεια των ουρανων (''but whoever should do them and should teach them, the same will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens'') — omitted by א
* D W itd copboms
Matthew 5:20
: Verse omitted — א
* D itd vgms
Matthew 5:22
: οργιζομενος τω αδελφω αυτου (''angry at his brother'') — א
* B Ω 372 1292 1424mg 2174vid 2737 itaur vgmss ethmss GospelNaz Ptolemy Justin Clement Tertullianvid Origen Theodore Basil Chromatius Jerome Augustinept Cassian
: οργιζομενος τω αδελφω αυτου εικη (''angry at his brother without cause'') — א2 D E K L W Δ Θ Π Σ 0233 0287 ƒ1 ƒ13, most minuscules, 𝔐 Lect it vgmss syr cop goth arm ethmss geo slav Diatessaron Irenaeus Origenmss Cyprian Eusebius Hilary Lucifer Basil Apostolic Constitutions Chrysostom Augustinept Cyril Jeromemss Speculum Theodoret Theodore of Mopsuestia
Matthew 5:25
: ο κριτης (''the judge'') — (vid) א B 0275 ƒ1 ƒ13 372 892 1216 1230 itk syrpal arm eth geomss Carpocrates Irenaeuslat Clement Hilary Chrysostom Augustine
: ο κριτης σε παραδωσει (''the judge will hand you over'') — D
: ο κριτης σε παραδω (''the judge should hand you over'') — K L W Δ Θ Π 0233 22 28 33 565 (700) 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1241 1242 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syrc,p,h cop goth geomss Jerome
: text omitted — syrs
Matthew 5:27
: ερρεθη τοις αρχαιοις (''it was told to the ancients'') — L Δ Θ 0233 ƒ13 33 579 892 1010 𝔐mss vgmss syrc Irenaeuslat Origenlat Eusebiuspt Cyril
: ερρεθη (''it was told'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:29
: απελθη εις γεενναν (''should depart into Gehenna'') — D 700mg itmss syrs,c copbo,(mae)
: βληθη εις γεενναν (''should be cast into Gehenna'') — ''rell''
Matthew 5:30
: Verse omitted — D itd vgms syrs copboms
Matthew 5:30
: εις γεενναν απελθη (''into Gehenna he should depart'') — א B ƒ1 22 33 157 517supp 892 lat syrc copbo,(mae)
: βληθησει εις την γεενναν (''will be cast into the Gehenna'') — L
: βληθη εις γεενναν (''should be cast into Gehenna'') — W Δ Θ 0233 ƒ13 𝔐 itf vgms syrp,h copsa goth Basil
Matthew 5:32
: και ος εαν απολελυμενην γαμηση μοιχαται (''and whoever should marry her who has been divorced, they commit adultery'') — א(
E K (L) W Δ (Θ) Π Σ 0250 ƒ1 ƒ13 22 28 33 157 180 205 565 (579) 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 (1216) 1230 (1241) 1242 1243 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1646 (2148) 2174 𝔐 Lect ith syrh copbo,mae goth arm ethmss Basil Chrysostom
: και ο απολελυμενην γαμησας μοιχαται (''and the one who should marry her who has been divorced, they commit adultery'') — B (828) (𝑙''184'') 𝑙''185'' 𝑙''1579'' lat syr copsa (geo) slav Origen
: και ος απολελυμενην μοιχαται (''and he who ... her who has been divorced, they commit adultery'') — 1546
: text omitted — D 64 ita,b,d,k Origenmss Zeno Chromatius Augustinept Augustinemss Speculum
Matthew 5:33
: τοις αρχαιοις (''to the ancients'') — omitted by itk syrs Irenaeuslat
Matthew 5:39
: δεξιαν (''right'') — omitted by D itd,k syrs,c
Matthew 5:44
: ευλογειτε τους καταρωμενους υμας καλως ποιειτε τοις μισουσιν υμας (''bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you'') — D(
E K L W Δ Θ Π Σ 047 ƒ13 28 33 118supp 157 180 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1079 1185 1195 1216 1241 1242c 1243 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lectmss itc,d,f,h syr(p),h,(pal) mae-1 goth armmss ethmss geomss slav Aphraates (Lucifer) Apostolic Constitutions (Chrysostom) (Speculum)
: ευλογειτε τους καταρωμενους υμας (''bless those who curse you'') — 1071 𝑙''866'' 𝑙''871'' 𝑙''1016'' copbomss geomss (Athenagoras) Clement Tertullian Eusebiuspt (Theodoret) Cassiodorus
: καλως ποιειτε τοις μισουσιν (''do good to those hating you'') — 1230 1242
* lat armmss Eusebiuspt Ambrose Chromatius Jerome Augustine Arsenius
: Text omitted — א B ƒ1 22 205 279 660
* 1192 2786
* itk syrs,c copsa,bomss Codex Schøyen Theophilus Irenaeuslat Origen Cyprian Adamantius Faustus
Matthew 5:44
: επηρεαζοντων υμας (''insultingly mistreat you'') — omitted by א B ƒ1 205 itk syrs,c copsa,bomss ethmss Athenagoras Theophilus Irenaeuslat Tertullian Origen Cyprian (Adamantius) Faustus Lucifer Jeromept Augustine (Speculum)
Matthew 5:47
: Verse omitted — itk syrs,c
Matthew 5:47
: φιλους (''loved ones'') — L W Δ Θ 28 33 𝔐 itf,h syrh goth Basil
: αδελφους (''brethren'') — א B D Z ƒ1 ƒ13 22 372 472 892 lat syrc,p cop Cyprian
: ασπαζομενους υμας (''those who greet you'') — 1424
Matthew 5:47
: εθνικοι (''Gentiles'') — א B D Z Δ ƒ1 22 33 174 (205) 279 372 892 1071 1216 1230 1241 1365 1424 2680 2786 lat syrs,c,h,pal cop eth geomss Cyprian (Lucifer) Basil Chromatius Augustine
: τελωναι (''tax collectors'') — E K L W Δ Θ Π Σ ƒ13 28 157 180 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1079 1195 1242 1243 1292 1342 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect ith syrp goth geomss slav
: τελωναι και οι αμαρτωλοι (''tax collectors and the sinful people'') — arm
Matthew 6:1
: δικαιοσυνην (''your righteousness'') — א
B D 0250 ƒ1 372 892 1424
* Lat syrs,pal Origen
: δοσιν (''your giving'') — א1 syrc copsamss,bo
: δοσεις (''your gifts'') — Diatessaronsyr
: ελεημοσυνην (''your alms-giving'') — L W Z Δ Θ ƒ13 22 28 33 𝔐 itf,k syrp,h copmae-1 arm goth Clement Origenmss Didymus Basil
Matthew 6:4
: αποδωσει σοι (''he will recompense you'') — א B D Z ƒ1 ƒ13pt 22 33 205 983 1192 1292 1689 2786 itaur,d,ff1,k vg syrc cop Diatessaronsyr Origen Cyprian Chromatius Jerome Augustine
: αποδωσει σοι εν τω φανερω (''he will recompense you in the open'') — E K L W Δ Θ Π Σ 0250 ƒ13pt 13 28 157 (168) 180 565 579 597 (700) 828 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect ita,b,c,f,g1,h,l,q syrs,p,h,pal arm goth eth geo slav Diatessaronarm Basil Nilus Chrysostom Speculum
Matthew 6:5
: Verse omitted — syrs
Matthew 6:6
: προσευξαι τω πατρι σου εν τω κρυπτω (''pray to your Father in secret'') — D ƒ1 ƒ13 700 itmss vgmss syrs,c copbomss
: προσευξαι τω πατρι σου τω εν τω κρυπτω (''pray to your Father who is in secret'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:6
: αποδωσει σοι (''he will recompense you'') — א B D Z ƒ1 22 205 1192 2786
* itaur,d,ff1,k vg syrs,c,palmss cop Diatessaronsyr Origen Eusebius (Pseudo-Clementine) Hilary Ambrose Chromatius Augustine
: αποδωσει σοι εν τω φανερω (''he will recompense you in the open'') — E G K L W X Δ Θ Π Σ ƒ13 28 33 157 180 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect ita,b,c,f,g1,h,l,π,q syrp,h,palmss arm goth eth geo slav Diatessaronarm Chrysostom Cyril
Matthew 6:7
: υποκριται (''hypocrites'') — B 1424 syrc copmae
: εθνικοι (''Gentiles'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:8
: ο πατηρ υμων ο ουρανιος (''your heavenly father'') — 047 28 892mg 1195 1216 1424 1505 syrh eth geomss Basilpt
: ο θεος ο πατηρ υμων (''your God the Father'') — א1 B copsa,mae-1 Origenpt
: ο πατηρ ο ουρανιος (''the heavenly father'') — Origenpt
: ο πατηρ ημων (''our father'') — ƒ1 205 1253 1546 𝑙''76'' 𝑙''184'' 𝑙''387'' 𝑙''859'' 𝑙''1074'' 𝑙''1663''
: ημων ο εν τοις ουρανιος (''our one in the heavenly'') — 2148
: ο πατηρ υμων (''your father'') — א
* D E G K L W Z Δ Θ Π Σ 0170vid ƒ13 22 33 157 180 565 579 597 700 892
* 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1230 1241 1242 1243 1292 1342 1365 1646 2174 𝔐 Lectmss latt syrs,c,p,pal copbo,fay arm goth geomss slav Diatessaronsyr Origenpt Basilpt Ambrose Ambrosiaster Chromatius Jerome Augustine
: Text omitted — Codex Schøyen
Matthew 6:8
: ανοιξε το στομα (''open your mouth'') — D ith
: αιτησαι αυτον (''ask him'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:9
: τω ουρανω (''the heaven'') — copmae Didache
: τοις ουρανοις (''the heavens'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:11
: ελθειν (''to come'') — copsa
: τον επαυριον (''of tomorrow'') — copbo,mae GospelHeb (per Jerome)
: αναγκαιον (''necessary'') — syrp,h
: διαρκης (''lasting'' or ''continual'') — syrc
: supersubstantialem (''supersubstantial'') — vg
: cottidianum (''quotidian'') — it vgmss
: επιουσιον (''superessential'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:12
: την οφειλην (''my obligation'') — Didache
: τα παραπτωμα (''our transgressions'') — Origen
: τα οφειληματα (''debts'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:13 (see 1 Chronicles 29:11-13)
: οτι σου εστιν η βασιλλεια και η δυναμις και η δοξα εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory into the ages. Amen.'') — E G K L W Δ Θ Π Σ 0233 ƒ13 22 28 33 180 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1292 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 (2148) 2174 𝔐 Lect itf,(g1),(q) syr(p),h,pal copbomss arm goth eth geo slav Diatessaronarm Apostolic Constitutions Chrysostom
: οτι σου εστιν η βασιλλεια και η δυναμις και η δοξα του πατρος και του υιου και του αγιου πνευματος εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit into the ages. Amen.'') — 157 225 418
: οτι σου εστιν η βασιλλεια του πατρος και του υιου και του αγιου πνευματος εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit into the ages. Amen.'') — 1253
: quoniam est tibi virtus in saecula saeculorum (''Since to you is the power in the ages of ages'') — itk
: οτι σου εστιν η δυναμις και η δοξα εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the power and the glory into the ages. Amen.'') — copsa,fay (Didache)
: οτι σου εστιν η βασιλλεια και η δοξα εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the kingdom and the glory into the ages. Amen.'') — 1342 syrc
: οτι σου εστιν η βασιλλεια και η δυναμις εις τους αιωνας. αμην (''Because yours is the kingdom and the power into the ages. Amen.'') — 𝑙''1016''
: Text omitted — א B D Z 0170 ƒ1 (17) 130 205 372 890 1090c 2701supp 2737 2780
* 2786 𝑙''547'' lat copbomss,mae Diatessaronsyr Acta Thomae Tertullian Origen Cyprian Hilary (Cyril) Caesarius Gregory Ambrose Ambrosiaster Chromatius Jerome Augustine Cyril Maximus
Matthew 6:14
: ο ουρανοις τα παραπτωματα υμων (''the heavens your transgressions'') — L ƒ13 𝑙''844'' lat cop Didymus
: ο εν τοις ουρανοις (''who is in the heavens'') — Θ 700 it
: ο ουρανιος (''the heavenly'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:15
: τα παραπτωματα αυτων (''their transgressions'') — omitted by א D ƒ1 1 22 118 130 205 209 279 372 892
* 1357
* 1582
* 2701supp 2737 2786 lat syrp copbomss,fay,mae-1 Diatessaron Eusebius Augustine
Matthew 6:18
: αποδωσει σοι (''he will recompense you'') — א B D G K L W Θ Π Σ 0250 ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 180 565 597 700 892 1006 1010 1079 1242 1292 1365 1424 1646 𝔐pt Lectpt itaur,f,ff1,l,q vg syr cop goth armmss Theophilus Euthalius Petrus
: αποδωσει υμιν (''he will recompense you all'') — Ambrose Chromatius Augustine Speculum
: αποδωσει υμιν εν τω φανερω (''he will recompense you all in the open'') — ita,b,c,g1,h,k ethms
: αποδωσει σοι εν τω φανερω (''he will recompense you in the open'') — E Δ 0233 157 205 209 579 1009 1071 1195 1216 1230 1241 1243 1253 1342 1505 1546 2174 𝔐pt Lectpt armmss ethmss geo slav Diatessaronarm Ephraem
Matthew 6:20
: και κλεπτουσιν (''and steal'') — א ƒ1 𝑙''844'' itmss syrc
: Text omitted — W itk
: ουδε κλεπτουσιν (''nor steal'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:24
: Ουδεις οικετης δυναται (''Not one servant is able'') — L Δ 1241
: Ουδεις δυναται (''No one is able'') — ''rell''
Matthew 6:25
: η τι πιητε (''or what youpl should drink'') — B W Φ ƒ13 22mg 33 157 205 1230 1342 𝑙''547'' itaur,c,f,g1,h,m,q copsamss,bo,mae-1 armmss geomss slav Origen (Eusebius) Athanasius Basilpt Evagrius Jeromemss Nilus Marcus Speculum Maximus
: και τι πιητε (''and what youpl should drink'') — E G K (L) N Δ Θ Π Σ 0233 (28) 180 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 (1071) 1079 1195 1216 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 (2148) 2174 𝔐 Lect syrp,h goth geomss Basilpt Augustinept
: Text omitted — א ƒ1 22
* 372 892 1592 ita,b,ff1,k,l vg syrc,pal copsamss,mae-2 armmss ethmss Diatessaronsyr Justin Clement Methodius Origen Adamantius Hilary Athanasius Epiphanius Chrysostom Jerome Augustinept Cyril
Matthew 6:27
: μεριμνων (''worrying'') — omitted by 1293 itmss syrc
Matthew 6:28
: αυξανουσιν ου κοπιωσιν ουδε νηθουσιν (''they are growing; they are not laboring, nor are they spinning'') — אc (B) ƒ1 (33) 205 (1071) latt syrp,h,pal cop eth geo slav Hilary Athanasius Chrysostompt Augustine Speculum
: αυξανουσιν ου νιθουσιν ουδε κοπιωσιν (''they are growing; they are not spinning, nor are they laboring'') — Θ syrc
: αυξανει ου κοπια ουδε νηθει (''it is growing; it is not laboring, nor is it spinning'') — E G K L N W Δ Π Σ 0233 0281 ƒ13 28 157 180 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1010 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect goth (arm) Basil Chrysostompt Nilus
: ου ξενουσιν ουδε νηθουσιν ουδε κοπιωσιν (''they do not card, nor do they spin, nor do they labor'') — א
: ου ξαινει ουδε νηθει (''it is not carding, nor is it spinning'') — P.Oxy.655
: αυξανει και ουδε νηθει (''it is growing, but it is neither spinning'') — 1646
: αυξανεν (''it is growing'') — 1009
Matthew 6:33
: την βασιλειαν (''the kingdom'') — א B 57 345 440 817 995 1646 it(k),l vgmss cop ethmss Tertullian Cyprian (Eusebius) Aphraates (Gregory) Didymuspt Macarius Augustinept Speculum
: την βασιλειαν των ουρανων (''the kingdom of the heavens'') — 301
* 366 373 726 1272
* 1590
* 𝑙''858'' Justin Clementpt Ephraempt Chrysostompt
: την βασιλειαν του θεου (''the kingdom of God'') — E G K L N W Δ Θ Π Σ Φ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 22 28 33 119 157 180 205 245 482 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1392 1424 1505 1546 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syr copmae-1 arm ethmss geo slav Diatessaronsyr Clementpt Serapion (Hilary) Basil Didymuspt Evagrius Chrysostompt Chromatius Jerome Marcus Eremita Augustinept Cyril Theodoret John
Matthew 7:13
: η πυλη (''the gate'') — omitted by א
* 1646 𝑙''211'' ita,b,c,h,k vgmss Diatessaron Clement Hippolytus Origenpt Cyprian Eusebius Hilary Lucifer Didymuspt Augustinept Speculum
Matthew 7:14
: η πυλη (''the gate'') — omitted by 113 182
* 482 544 ita,(h),k Diatessaron Clement Tertullian Origenpt Cyprian Eusebius Aphraates Gregory Gregory Jerome Nilus Augustine Hesychius Speculum
Matthew 7:21
: ουρανοις αυτος εισελευσεται εις την βασιλειαν των ουρανων (''in the heavens, he will enter into the kingdom of the heavens'') — C(2) W Θ Φ (33) 713 1071 1241 vg syrc Cyprian Theodoret
: ουρανοις (''in the heavens'') — ''rell''
Matthew 7:22
: κυριε κυριε ου τω ονοματι σου εφαγομεν και επιομεν και ου τω σω ονοματι επροφητευσαμεν (''Lord, lord, did we not eat and drink in your name? And did we not prophesy in your name?'') — syrc Justin (Origen)
: κυριε κυριε ου τω σω ονοματι επροφητευσαμεν (''Lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name?'') — ''rell''
Matthew 7:23
: απ’ εμου παντες (''away from me, all of you'') — L Θ ƒ13 1424 itb vgmss
: απ’ εμου (''away from me'') — ''rell''
Matthew 7:24
: ομοιωθησεται (''he will be likened'') — א B Z Θ 0281 ƒ(1) ƒ13 33 205 700 892 1071 1241 1365 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''866'' ita,aur,b,c,ff1,g1,l vg syrp,hmg,palmss copsa,mae arm eth geo Diatessaron Origen Basil Ambrose Didymus Chrysostom Jerome Augustinept Cyril
: ομοιωσω αυτον (''I will liken him'') — C E G K L W X Δ Π Σ 157 180 565 579 597 1006 1009 1010 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itf,h,k,q syrc,h,palms copbo goth slav Cyprian Hilary Lucifer Augustinept Speculum
Matthew 7:27
: επνευσαν οι ανεμοι και (''the winds blew and'') — omitted by א
Matthew 7:27
: μεγαλη σφοδρα (''exceedingly great'') — Θ Σ ƒ13 33 713 1241c copmae-1 syrpalmss Basil
: μεγαλη (''great'') — ''rell''
Matthew 7:28
: παντες (''everyone'') — 998 Eusebius
: παντες οι οχλοι (''all of the multitudes'' or ''everyone who had crowded around'') — Δ Θ ƒ1 22 vgms syrpalmss Origen
: οι οχλοι (''the multitudes'') — ''rell''
Matthew 7:29
: και ουχ ως οι γραμματεις (''and not as the scribes'') — C
* L M X 565 700 1424 𝔐 itf syrc goth
: και ουχ ως οι γραμματεις αυτων (''and not as their scribes'') — א B K Π Δ Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 22 372 579 892 1365 vgmss cop
: και ουχ ως οι γραμματεις αυτων και οι Φαρισαιοι (''and not as their scribes and the Pharisees'') — C2 W 33 1241 lat syr geomss Eusebiuspt
Matthew 8:3
: ο Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B C
* ƒ1 ƒ13 33 892 itk copsamss,bo Cyprian
Matthew 8:5
: εισελθοντος δε αυτου εις Καφαρναουμ (''But he was entering into Capernaum'') — א B C
* Z ƒ1 ƒ13 33 700 1241 itaur,ff1,l vg coppt Origen
: εισελθοντι δε αυτω εις Καφαρναουμ (''But when he was entering into Capernaum'') — L W Θ 0233 𝔐 coppt
: εισελθοντι τω Ιησου εις Καφαρναουμ (''When Jesus was entering into Capernaum'') — C3
: μετα δε ταυτα (''But after these things'') — itk syr(s)
: μετα δε ταυτα εισελθοντος δε αυτου εις Καφαρναουμ (''But after these things, then he () into Capernaum'') — ita,b,c,f,g1,h,q syr(c)
Matthew 8:5
: χιλιαρχος (''chiliarch'') — syrs,hmg Clement Eusebiuspt
: εκατονταρχος (''centurion'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:6
: κυριε (''Lord'') — omitted by א
* itk syrs,c Origen Hilary
Matthew 8:7
: ο Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B 892 itk syrs copbomss
Matthew 8:8
: χιλιαρχος (''chiliarch'') — syrs,hmg Clement Eusebiuspt
: εκατονταρχος (''centurion'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:8
: ο παις μου (''my servant'') — omitted by ƒ1 itk copsa,bomss,mae-1 Origen
Matthew 8:9
: υπο εξουσιαν τασσομενος (''placed under authority'') — א B 4 273 372 792 899
* 995 1403 2236 2703 2737 𝑙''211''
ita,aur,b,c,g1,h,k,q vgmss syrpal coppt Diatessaron Hilary Chrysostom Augustine
: υπο εξουσιαν (''under authority'') — C K L W X Δ Θ Π ƒ1 ƒ13 33 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1253 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itff1,l vgmss syr(s),c,p,h coppt arm (eth) geo Chrysostom
: Text omitted — 1241
Matthew 8:10
: παρ’ ουδενι τοσαυτην πιστιν εν τω Ισραηλ ευρον (''I have otherwise found no one in Israel with so much faith'') — B W (0281) 0287 4 (22) 273 335 697 (892) 1005 2586 2701supp 2786 ita,(g1),k,q syrc,hmg,pal copsa,bo ethms Diatessaronarm
: παρ’ ουδενι τοσαυτην πιστιν ευρον (''I have otherwise found no one with so much faith'') — ƒ1 205
: ουδε εν τω Ισραηλ τοσαυτην πιστιν ευρον (''Not even in Israel have I found so much faith'') — א C E G K L N X Δ Θ Π Σ Φ 0233 0250 ƒ13 33 157 180 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 (1241) (1242) 1243 1253 1292 1342 (1365) 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itaur,b,c,f,ff1,h,l vg syr(s),p,h copmae arm goth ethmss geo slav Diatessaronsyr Origenlat Hilary Chrysostom (Chromatius) Jerome Augustine
Matthew 8:11
: εν τοις κολποις Αβρααμ και Ισαακ και Ιακωβ (''in the bosoms of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob'') — Clement Epiphanius
: μετα Αβρααμ και Ισαακ και Ιακωβ (''with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:12
: εκβληθησονται (''they will be cast out'') — א1 B C K L W X Δ Θ Π ƒ1 ƒ13 33 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1253 1365 1546 1646 2174 𝔐 Lect itaur,f,ff1,l vg syrh cop goth eth geomss Cyprianpt Didymuspt Chrysostom
: εμβληθησονται (''they will be cast into'') — 1241 2148
: εξελευσονται (''they will go forth'') — א
* 0250 ita,b,c,g1,h,(k),q syrs,c,p,pal arm Diatessaron Heracleon Irenaeus Origen Cyprianpt Eusebius Didymuspt Augustine
: Text omitted — geomss
Matthew 8:13
: χιλιαρχω (''chiliarch'') — syrs Clement Eusebiuspt
: εκατονταρχη (''centurion'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:13
: εν τη ωρα εκεινη (''in that hour'') — א B K L X Π ƒ1 ƒ13 565 (892) 1009 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1253 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itaur,f,ff1,k,l vgmss syrs,c,p,h copsamss,bomss goth eth
: απο της ωρας εκεινης (''from that hour'') — C N Δ Θ 0250 33 1010 𝑙''950'' 𝑙''1627'' ita,b,c,g1,h,q vgmss syrpal copsamss,bomss Eusebius Basil Chrysostom Augustine
: εν τη ημερα εκεινη (''in that day'') — W 700 1424 arm geo
Matthew 8:13 (see Luke 7:10)
: Verse concludes with ωρα εκεινη (εκεινης: C N Θ 0250 33 itg1 syrpal ) και υποστρεψας ο εκατονταρχος εις τον οικον αυτου εν αυτη τη ωρα ευρον τον παιδα υγιαινοντα (''...that hour. And the centurion, returning into his house in that hour, found his servant healthy'') — א
C E M (N) U X Θ Σ Φ (0250) ƒ1 22 (33) 713 (1241) itg1 syrh,pal eth
: Verse concludes with ωρα εκεινη (''that hour'') or ωρας εκεινης (''that hour'') or ημερα εκεινη (''that day'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:15
: διηκονει αυτω (''she was serving him'') — א
* B W Θ 700 𝔐pt Lect itk syrh copsa
: διηκονει αυτοις (''she was serving them'') — א1 L Δ ƒ1 ƒ13 33 565 892 1424 𝔐pt 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' lat syrs,c copbo
Matthew 8:18
: οχλον (''the multitude'') — B copsamss
: οχλους (''the multitudes'') — א
* ƒ1 22 (1365) 𝑙(''184'') cop(bo) (Origen)
: τους οχλους ερχομενους (''the multitudes coming'') — 𝑙(''68'')
: οχλον πολυν or πολυν οχλον (''the vast multitude'') — W 983 1216 1424 1689 𝑙''524'' 𝑙''1074'' itc,g1 syrs,c copsams,mae-1 armmss ethms geo slav(mss) (Speculum)
: πολλους (''many'') — 1071 1546
: οχλους πολλους or πολλους οχλους (''the many multitudes'') — א2 C E G K L N X Δ Θ Π Σ 0233 ƒ13 33 108 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1079 1195 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1505 1546c 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syrp,h,pal armmss goth eth slavmss Diatessaron Hilary Chromatius Chrysostom Augustine
Matthew 8:18
: εκελευσεν τους μαθητας αυτου απελθειν (''he commanded his disciples to depart'') — ita,aur,b,c,g1,q vgmss Hilary
: εκελευσεν τοις μαθηταις αυτου απελθειν (''he gave the command to his disciples to depart'') — ith,l syrc (goth)
: κελευει δε μονοις τοις μαθηταις απελθειν (''but he gave command only to his disciples to depart'') — Cyril
: εκελευσεν απελθειν (''he gave the command to depart'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:21
: των μαθητων (''of the disciples'') — א B 33 2148 𝑙''1761'' ita,b,c,h,q copsa slav Chromatius
: των μαθητων αυτου (''of his disciples'') — C E G K L N W X Δ Θ Π Σ 0250 ƒ1 ƒ13 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1242 1243 1292 1342 1424 1505 1546 1646 2174 𝔐 Lect itaur,ff1,g1,(k),l vg syr copbo,mae goth arm eth geo Jerome Speculum
: των αυτου (''of him'') — 1365
: Text omitted — 1230 1253 Chrysostom
Matthew 8:22
: Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א 33 itb,c,k,q syrs
Matthew 8:25
: και προσελθοντες (''And coming near'') — א B 33vid 591 892 930 1421
* ita,aur,c,ff1,k,l vgmss syrpalmss copsa,bo Jerome
: και προσελθοντες οι μαθηται (''And those disciples came near'') — C2 E K L Δ Π ƒ13 22 157 180 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1505 1546 2148 2175 𝔐 Lectmss ith vgms arm geomss Eusebius Chromatius
: και προσελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου (''And those disciples of his came near'') — W X Θ Σ Φ ƒ1 205 1195 1424 1646 𝑙''127'' 𝑙''184'' 𝑙''253'' 𝑙''384'' 𝑙''770'' 𝑙''773'' 𝑙''1016''pt 𝑙''1780'' itb,g1,(q) vgmss syr goth eth geomss slav Diatessaron
: και προσελθοντες αυτω οι μαθηται (''And those disciples came to him'') — geomss
: και προσελθοντες αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου (''And those disciples of his came to him'') — C
*vid vgmss copmae
Matthew 8:25
: σωσον (''help!'') — א B C ƒ1 ƒ13mss 33 205 892 𝑙''547'' syrpalmss copbomss Cyrilpt
: σωσον ημας (''help us!'') — E K L W X Δ Θ Π Σ 0242vid ƒ13mss 22 157 180 565 579 597 700 828c 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect Latt syr cop arm goth eth geo slav Diatessaron Origen Eusebius Ambrose Gaudentius Chrysostom Chromatius Jerome Augustine Cyrilpt Hesychius
Matthew 8:26
: τω ανεμω (''the wind'') — א
* ƒ1 ƒ13 22 itmss vg syrs,p copsams,bomss,mae-1 Eusebius Basil
: τοις ανεμοις (''the winds'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:28
: Γεργεσηνων (''Gergesenes'') — א2 Cmg E K L W X Π ƒ1 ƒ13 22 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 892
* 1006 1009 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect syrhmg,pal copbo arm goth eth geomss slav Diatessaronarm Origen Eusebiusvid Apollinaris Epiphaniusmss Hesychius
: Γερασηνων (''Gerasenes'') — 892c Δlat Latt syrhmg copsa,mae Origenmss Hilary Ambrose Chromatius
: Γαζαρηνων (''Gazarenes'') — א
: Γαραδηνων (''Garadenes'') — Δgr
: Γαδαρηνων (''Gadarenes'') — B C M Θ Σ 174 1010 𝑙''253'' syrs,p,h geomss Diatessaronsyr Origenmss Epiphanius
Matthew 8:29
: Ιησου (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B C
* L ƒ1 33 892 itff1,k,l vgmss syrs copbomss,mae
Matthew 8:29
: ημας απολεσαι προ καιρου (''destroy us before our time'') — א
* vgmss copbomss
: απολεσαι ημας και προ καιρου βασανισαι (''destroy us and torment us before our time'') — W
: προ καιρου βασανισαι ημας (''torment us before our time'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:30
: non longe (''not far'') — ita,aur,b,c,f,ff1,g1,h,l vg sax
: μακραν (''far'') — ''rell''
Matthew 8:30
: πολλων (''many'') — omitted by Θ 565 syr(s)
Matthew 8:31
: αποστειλον ημας (''send us'') — א B Θ 0242vid ƒ1 22 33 372 892
* 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' lat syrs cop Cyril
: επιτρεψον ημιν απελθειν (''allow us to depart'') — C L W X Δ ƒ13 565 700 𝔐 Lect itf,h,q syrp,h goth
: επιταξον ημιν και απελευσομεθα (''give the command to us, and we will depart'') — Codex Schøyen
Matthew 8:32
: τους χοιρους (''those pigs'') — א B C
* 0242 ƒ1 22 33 372 892 1010 lat syrs,p cop
: την αγελην την χοιρων (''that herd of pigs'') — C3 K L M N W X Δ Θ Π ƒ13 565 579 700 1424 𝔐 Lect itf,h syrh,pal goth
: Text omitted — 157
Matthew 8:32
: αγελη (''herd'') — א B C
* M N W Δ Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 33 157 892 1424 Latt syr copsa
: αγελη των χοιρων (''herd of pigs'') — C3 K L X Π 22 565 579 700 𝔐 Lect copbo,mae goth
Matthew 8:34
: των οριων (''the borders'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 9:1
: εμβας ο Ιησους (''embarking, Jesus'') — C(3) F Θc ƒ13 vgmss
: εμβας (''embarking'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:2
: αμαρτιαι (''sins'') — א B C
* D W Δc 0281 ƒ1 33 892 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' itk vgms
: αμαρτιαι σου (''your sins'') — C(3) L Δ Θ 0233vid ƒ13 𝔐 Lect lat syr
Matthew 9:4
: ιδων (''seeing'') — א C D E
* F G K L (N) W X Δ Π
Σ 0233 0281 ƒ13 22 33 180 240 244 579 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1505 1646 2148 𝔐 Lectmss latt syrs,palmss copbo ethmss slav Chromatius Jerome Augustine Speculum
: ειδως (''perceiving'') — B Ec M Πc (Θ) ƒ1 157 205 565 597 700 1079 1195 1424 1546 𝑙(''76'') 𝑙''184'' 𝑙''253'' 𝑙''313'' 𝑙(''547'') 𝑙''672'' 𝑙''673'' 𝑙''813'' 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''1223'' 𝑙''1627'' 𝑙''1761'' 𝑙''2211'' syr(p),h copsa,mae arm goth ethmss geo Chrysostom
Matthew 9:8
: εφοβηθησαν (''they were afraid'') — א B D W 0281 ƒ1 22 33 59 143 205 372 496 517 751 892 930 951 1192 1424 1532 1675 1823 2147 2459 2586 2637 2737 lat syrs,p,pal cop Hilary Chromatius Augustine
: εθαυμασαν (''they were astounded'') — C E F G K L N Δ Θ Π Σ Φ 0233 ƒ13 157 180 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1505 1546 1646 2148 𝔐 Lect syrh arm ethmss geo slav Chrysostom
: εφοβηθησαν και εθαυμασαν (''they were afraid and they were astounded'') — it(f) (goth) eth(mss) Diatessaron
: Text omitted — X 213 Irenaeuslat
Matthew 9:9
: εκειθεν (''from there'') — omitted by א
* L copboms
Matthew 9:11
: δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιετε και πινει ο διδασκαλος υμων (''How come youpl are eating and your teacher is drinking with tax collectors and sinners?'') — M 565 copmae
: δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιετε και πινετε (''Why are youpl eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?'') — syrs
: δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιει (''Why is he eating with tax collectors and sinners?'') — ita
: δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων καθησαι (''Why are you seated with tax collectors and sinners?'') — itk
: δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιει ο διδασκαλος υμων (''Why is your teacher eating with tax collectors and sinners?'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:12
: Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B D 0233
* 0281 892 1010 1424 𝑙''844'' ita,f,h,q syrs copsa,mae
Matthew 9:13
: αμαρτωλους (''sinners'') — א B D N W Γ
* Δ 0233 ƒ1 22 33 174 372 565 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' lat syrp,h copbomss,mae-2 goth
: αμαρτωλους εις μετανοιαν (''sinners into repentance'') — C L X Θ 0281 ƒ13 700 𝔐 itc,g1 syrs,hmg,pal copsa,bomss,mae-1 Basil
Matthew 9:14
: νηστευομεν πολλα (''much fasting'') — א2 C D E F G K L N W X Δ Θ Π Σ Φ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 22 33 157 (180) 205 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itd,(k) syrp,h,pal copsa(mss),bo,mae-1 goth eth geomss Basil Chrysostom
: νηστευομεν πυκνα (''frequent fasting'') — א1 lat syr(s) arm Hilary Chromatius Jerome Augustine
: νηστευομεν (''fasting'') — א
* B 0281 10 27
* 71 86 179 569 692 895 947 982 1091
* 1170 1194 1386 1413 1517
* 2487
* 2581 2676 copsams,mae-2 geomss Cyril
Matthew 9:15
: οι υιοι του νυμφιου (''the children of the bridegroom'') — D lat
: οι υιοι του νυμφωνος (''the children of the bridal chamber'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:15
: νηστευειν (''fast'') — D W 1424 it syr(s),p,hmg copsa,bomss,mae
: πενθειν (''grieve'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:15
: αρθη (''taken up'') — D ƒ1
: αφερθη (''taken away'') — W
: απαρθη (''taken away'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:15
: και τοτε νηστευσουσιν εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις (''and then they will fast in those days'') — D it syrhmg
: και τοτε νηστευσουσιν (''and then they will fast'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:18
: ελθων (''upon coming'') — (Δ) itq copbo
: τις ελθων (''someone, upon coming'') — Γ 1010 it(h),k
: εις ελθων (''one, upon coming'') — K M Y Π 33 565 579 892 𝔐 it(d),f syr(s) goth
: εισελθων (''upon entering'') — ƒ1 22 124 700 1071 1424
: εις ελθων or εισελθων (''one, upon coming'' or ''upon entering'') — א2 C
* D E N W X Θ
: προσελθων (''upon approaching'') — א
* Lc 69 157 copsa
: τις προσελθων (''someone, upon approaching'') — Cc (F) G L
* U ƒ13 2 1006 itg1
: εις προσελθων (''one, upon approaching'') — א1 B ita,b,c,ff1 vg
Matthew 9:18
: κυριε (''sir'') — M itf,ff1,h vgmss
: text omitted — א D ƒ1 ƒ13 33 892 itmss vgmss
: οτι (''that'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:19
: ηκολουθησαν (''they followed'') — E M syrp
: ηκολουθησεν (''he followed'') — B L W Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 𝔐
: ηκολουθει (''he was following'') — א C D 33 lat
Matthew 9:21
: εαν αψωμαι (''If I should touch'') — א
* ita,h syrs
: εαν αψωμαι μονον (''If I should touch only'') — D lat
: εαν μονον αψωμαι (''If only I should touch'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:22
: Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א
* D it syrs
Matthew 9:22
: εστη στραφεις (''standing, he turned'') — D
: επιστραφεις (''turning around'') — C L W Θ ƒ1 𝔐
: στραφεις (''he turned'') — א B N ƒ13 33 892 1010 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211''
Matthew 9:24
: λεγει (''he says'') — N
: λεγει αυτοις (''he says to them'') — C L W Θ 𝔐 it(f),(g1) syr
: ελεγεν (''he was saying'') — א B D ƒ1 ƒ13 33 892 lat cop
Matthew 9:25
: ελθων (''upon coming'') — D 1424 it
: εισελθων (''upon entering'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:26
: η φημη αὕτη αυτου (''this report of him'') — geomss
: η φημη αυτου (''the report of him'') — D 1424 itd copsa,mae-2 ethmss geomss
: η φημη αυτης (''the report of her'') — א Cc Nvid Θ ƒ1 33 124 157 1195
* syrpal copbo,mae-1 ethms
: η φημη αυτος (''the same report'') — C
: η φημη αὐτή (''the same report'') — L Γ 28
: η φημη αυτη (''this report'' or ''the same report'') — B W Δ
: η φημη αὕτη (''this report'') — Π ƒ13 22 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195c 1216 1230 1242 1253 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syrs,p,h arm goth geomss Diatessaron Augustine
Matthew 9:28
: και ερχεται (''And he comes'') — D
: εισελθοντι δε αυτω (''But, upon entering, he'') — א
* N (1424)
: ελθοντος δε αυτου (''But, upon coming, he'') — 700 itf
: ελθοντι δε (''But, upon coming'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:28
: οι δυο τυφλοι (''the two blind men'') — א
* D ita,b,h vgmss
: οι τυφλοι (''the blind men'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:32
: ανθρωπον (''man'') — omitted by א B ƒ13 124 788 892 syrs,p cop
Matthew 9:34
: Verse omitted by D ita,d, k syrs Diatessaron Juvencus Hilary
Matthew 9:35
: μαλακιαν εν τω λαω και πολλοι ηκολουθησαν αυτω (''sickness among the people, and many followed him'') — א1 L ƒ13 517 1010 1424 itg1
: μαλακιαν εν τω λαω και ηκολουθησαν αυτω (''sickness among the people, and they followed him'') — א
: μαλακιαν και πολλοι ηκολουθησαν αυτω (''sickness, and many followed him'') — ita,b,h
: μαλακιας αυτων τας εν αυτων (''their sicknesses that were in them'') — Codex Schøyen
: μαλακιαν εν τω λαω (''sickness among the people'') — C3 E F G K X Γ Θ Π 28 579 700 788c 𝔐mss itc,g1 vgmss syrpal arm geo
: μαλακιαν (''sickness'') — א2 B C
* D N S W Δ ƒ1 22 33 157 209 565 788 892 𝔐mss itmss vg syrs,p,h cop goth
Matthew 9:36
: ο Ιησους εσπλαγχνισθη (''Jesus, brought to compassion'') — C (G) N ƒ13 it(g1) vg(mss) syrp,h copmae-1
: εσπλαγχνισθη (''he was brought to compassion'') — ''rell''
Matthew 9:36
: εκλελυμενοι (''wearied'') — L 1424 itd syrs,p
: εσκυλμενοι (''troubled'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:1
: μαλακιαν εν τω λαω (''sickness among the people'') — L itb,g1
: μαλακιαν (''sickness'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:3
: Θαδδαιος (''Thaddaeus'') — א B 17 124 130 788 892 𝑙''185'' 𝑙''2211'' itaur,c,ff1,l vg cop Jerome Augustine
: Λεββαιος (''Lebbaeus'') — D itd,(k),μ Origenlat Hesychius Augustinemss
: Θαδδαιος ο επικληθεις Λεββαιος (''Thaddaeus who is surnamed Lebbaeus'') — 13 346 543 826 828
: Λεββαιος ο επικληθεις Θαδδαιος (''Lebbaeus who is surnamed Thaddaeus'') — C2 E F G K L N W X Δ Θ Π Σ ƒ1 22 28 33 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itf syrp,h,palmss (arm) geo slav Apostolic Constitutions, Chrysostom
: Λεββεδαιος ο επικληθεις Θαδδαιος (''Lebbedaeus who is surnamed Thaddaeus'') — eth
: Λεββαιος ο και Θαδδαιος (''Lebbaeus who is also Thaddaeus'') — C
: Iudas Zelotes (''Judas the Zealot'') — ita,b,g1,h,q syrpal(mss)
: Ιουδας ο και Λεββαιος ο επικληθεις Θαδδαιος (''Judas who is also Lebbaeus who is surnamed Thaddaeus'') — 243 854
: text omitted — syrs (but adds ''Judas the son of James'' in Matthew 10:4)
Matthew 10:4
: Καναναιος (''Cananaean'') — B C L N ƒ1 33 892 1010 lat cop
: Χαναναιος (''Chananaean'') — D itd
: Κανανιτης (''Canaanite'') — א W Θ ƒ13 28 𝔐 syrh
Matthew 10:4
: Ισκαριωτης (''Iscariot'') — א B K L W X Γ Δ Θ Π ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1253 1344 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect vgmss syrh cop Chrysostom
: Ισκαριωθ (''Iscariot'') — C 1424 𝑙''150''
: Σκαριωτης (''Scariot'') — D itd,f,k,l vgmss syrs,p,palmss arm geo
: Scarioth — ita,b,c,ff1,g1,h
: Scariota — itq
: Carioth — itaur
: Σιμωνος Ισκαριωτου (''Simon Iscariot's ()'') — Origen
Matthew 10:7
: μετανοειτε οτι (''Repent, because'') — 251 copsamss
: omit text — B syrs
: οτι (''that'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:8
: νεκρους εγειρετε λεπρους καθαριζετε δαιμονια εκβαλλετε (''raise the dead, cleanse the leprous, cast out demons'') — א B C
* N Σ Φ Ω 0281vid ƒ1 ƒ13 22 33 108 157 349 399 543 565 700mg 892 1010 𝑙''2211'' ita,b,c,d,h,k,l,q vg copbo eth geomss Hilary Chrysostom Cyril
: νεκρους εγειρατε λεπρους καθαρεισατε και δαιμονια εκβαλετε (''raise the dead, cleanse the leprous, and cast out demons'') — D syrs
: λεπρους καθαριζετε δαιμονια εκβαλλετε νεκρους εγειρετε (''cleanse the leprous, cast out demons, raise the dead'') — P W Δ 566 1573 2145 syrh
: λεπρους καθαριζετε νεκρους εγειρετε δαιμονια εκβαλλετε (''cleanse the leprous, raise the dead, cast out demons'') — 16 348 372 1093 1579
: λεπρους καθαριζετε δαιμονια εκβαλλετε (''cleanse the leprous, cast out demons'') — Cc E F G K L M S U V X Y Γ Θ Π 28 118 124 174 700
* 788 𝔐 itf syr(p),pal copsa,mae-1 arm ethmss geomss Juvencus Eusebius Basil Jerome
: δαιμονια εκβαλλετε λεπρους καθαριζετε — (''cast out demons, cleanse the leprous'') — 28
: δαιμονια εκβαλλετε (''cast out demons'') — 1424
Matthew 10:10
: ραβδον (''staff'') — א B D Θ ƒ1 33 892 1424 𝑙''2211'' lat syrs,p cop Eusebius
: ραβδους (''staffs'') — C L W ƒ13 𝔐 Lect ita,ff1,h,μ syrh copboms
Matthew 10:10
: του μισθου αυτου (''their wage'') — K 565 892 itmss syrhmg
: της τροφης αυτου (''their food'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:11
: η πολις εις ην αν εισελθητε εις αυτην (''The city into which youpl might enter, into it'') — D itd
: εις ην δ’ αν πολιν εισελθητε (''But into whichever city youpl might enter'') — ƒ1 700 ita,b,ff1,h,k syrs
: εις ην δ’ αν πολιν εισελθητε η κωμην (''But into whichever city youpl might enter, or a village'') — L 0281 ƒ13 cop
: εις ην δ’ αν πολιν η κωμην εισελθητε (''But into whichever city or village youpl might enter'') — א B C W 𝔐 Lect itaur,c,f,g1,l,q vg syrp,h ''rell''
Matthew 10:12
: ασπασασθε αυτην λεγοντες ειρηνη τω οικω τουτω (''greet it, saying, "Peace unto this house"'') — א
D L W Θ ƒ1 22 346 517 713 1010 (1424) it vgmss arm
: ασπασασθε αυτην (''greet it'') — א1 B C ƒ13 𝔐 Lect itk,l vgmss syr cop ''rell''
Matthew 10:13
: εφ’ (''upon'') — א B W 892 1010 𝑙''2211''
: προς (''toward'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:14
: της οικιας η (''that house or'') — omitted by D arm
Matthew 10:14
: πολεως η κωμης (''city or village'') — א (0281) ƒ13 892 vgmss cop
: πολεως (''city'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:14
: εκ των ποδων υμων (''out of your feet'') — א C 0281 33 892 lat
: απο των ποδων υμων (''away from your feet'') —
: των ποδων υμων (''of your feet'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:16
: ο οφις (''the serpent'') — א
* Origenpt Epiphanius
: οι οφεις (''the serpents'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:16
: απλουστατοι (''simple'') — D
: ακεραιοι (''innocent'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:18
: επι ηγεμονων σταθησεσθε (''youpl will be caused to stand before governors'') — D (0171) it(mss)
: επι βασιλεις δε και ηγεμονας στησεσθε (''But youpl will be caused to stand before kings and governors'') — syrs
: επι ηγεμονας δε και βασιλεις αχθησεσθε (''But youpl will be lead before governors and kings'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:19
: πως η (''how or'') — omitted by ita,b,ff1,k syrs,pal Cyprian Epiphanius Augustine
Matthew 10:19
: δοθησεται γαρ υμιν εν εκεινη τη ωρα τι λαλησητε (''for it will be given to youpl in that hour what youpl should speak'') — omitted by D L itg1,k vgmss Epiphanius
Matthew 10:23
: φευγετε εις την ετεραν (''flee into a different one'') — א B W 33 265 333 423 492 527c 719 822 892 900 935 936 1020 1192 1227 1253 1289 1424 1532 1541 1602 2147 2372 𝑙''813'' Origenpt, Peter of Alexandria, Eusebius Athanasius, Apostolic Constitutions, Chrysostomlem Socratespt Cyril Theodoretmss
: φευγετε εις την αλλην (''flee into another'') — C E F G K N X Δ Π Σ Φ 28 157 180 372 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1292 1342 1344 1365 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 2737 𝔐 Lect Clement Origenmss Basil, Apostolic Constitutions, Socratespt
: φευγετε εις την ετεραν or φευγετε εις την αλλην (''flee into a different one'' or ''flee into another'') — itaur,c,f,l vg syrs,p,h cop arm eth goth geomss slav Ambrose Jerome Augustine
: φευγετε εις την ετεραν καν εκ ταυτης διωκωσιν υμας φευγετε εις την αλλην (''flee into a different one, and if they may persecute youpl out of this one, flee into another'') — ƒ1 ƒ13 22 23 134 188 205 375 (828) 1166 1595 Diatessaronarm
: φευγετε εις την αλλην καν εκ ταυτης διωκωσιν υμας φευγετε εις την ετεραν (''flee into another, and if they may persecute youpl out of this one, flee into a different one'') — (L) Θ 163 247 934 1193 1229 1314 1353
* 1678 2118 2660 2701supp 2786 Origen(pt)
: φευγετε εις την αλλην καν εκ ταυτης διωκωσιν υμας φευγετε εις την αλλην (''flee into another, and if they may persecute youpl out of this one, flee into another'') — 565 2145c
: φευγετε εις την αλλην εαν δε εν τη αλλη διωκουσιν υμας φευγετε εις την αλλην (''flee into another, but if they are persecuting youpl in the other, flee into another'') — D (0171)vid itd Origen(pt)
: One of the four latter variants from above — ita,b,ff1,g1,(h),(k),q vgmss geomss Diatessaronmss Hilary Petilianus
Matthew 10:25
: βελζεβουλ (''Belzebul'') — D itd
: βεελζεβουλ (''Beelzebul'') — C (L) W Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 33 𝔐 Lect itmss syrh cop Cyprian
: βεεζεβουλ (''Beezebul'') — א B
: Βεελζεβυβ (''Beelzebub'') — itc,(ff1) vg syrs,p
Matthew 10:35
: υιον (''son'') — D it syrs,c
: ανθρωπον (''man'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:37
: και ο φιλων υιον η θυγατερα υπερ εμε ουκ εστιν μου αξιος (''and the one loving son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me'') — omitted by B
* D 983 1009 𝑙''871'' itd syrh Codex Schøyen
Matthew 10:38
: Verse omitted — M
Matthew 10:38
: μου μαθητες (''my disciple'') — itc,k Cyprian
: μου αδελφος (''my brother'') — Clement
: μου αξιος (''worthy of me'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:39
: ο ευρων την ψυχην αυτου απολεσει αυτην και (''The one finding his life will lose it, and'') — omitted by א
Matthew 10:41
: και ο δεχομενος δικαιον εις ονομα δικαιου μισθον δικαιου λημψεται (''and the one receiving a righteous man in the name of a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward'') — omitted by D
Matthew 10:42
: ελαχιστων τουτων (''of the least of these'') — D latt
: μικρων τουτων των ελαχιστων (''of the least of these little ones'') — 1424
: μικρων τουτων (''of these little ones'') — ''rell''
Matthew 10:42
: ποτηριον ψυχρου (''a cold cup'') — E
* geomss
: ποτηριον ψυχρου μονον (''a cold cup only'') — א B C K L P W Δ Θ Π ƒ1 ƒ13 28 700 892 1009 1079 1195 1230 1253 1365 1546 1646 2174 𝔐 Lect itk syrp,h,palmss
: ποτηριον ψυχρον μονον (''a cold cup only'') — M X Z 2
* 33 157 565 1010 1071 1216 1242 1344 2148 𝑙''184'' 𝑙''1231'' 𝑙''1663''
: ποτηριον υδατος ψυχρου (''a cup of cold water'') — D itd syrs,c cop ethmss (Clement) Origenpt Cyprian Hilary Augustine
: ποτηριον υδατος ψυχρου μονον (''a cup of cold water only'') — lat syrpalmss arm goth ethmss geomss Origenpt
Matthew 10:42
: ου μη αποληται ο μισθος αυτου (''his reward should not in any way be lost'') — D ita,b,c,d,g1,h,k,q syrs,c copbo,mae-2 Cyprian
: ου μη απολεση τον μισθον αυτου (''he should not lose his reward'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:1
: δωδεκα (''twelve'') — omitted by ƒ1 22 Codex Schøyen
Matthew 11:2
: Ιησου (''Jesus'') — D 047 0233 7 99 262 348 349 483 484 517 659 954 1071 1216 1424 1579 1604 𝑙''241'' itd syrc eth Origen Chrysostom
: κυριου ημων (''our lord'') — syrs
: omit text — Codex Schøyen
: Χριστου (''Christ'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:2
: δια των μαθητων αυτου (''through his disciples'') — א B C
* D P W Z Δ Θ Πc Σ 0233 ƒ13 33 124 174 788 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' itd,q syrp,h copsa,mae-1 arm slav Origenpt
: δυο των μαθητων αυτου (''two of his disciples'') — Cc E F G L X ƒ1 13 22 28 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 828 892 1006 1010 1071 1243 1292 1342 1424 1505 𝔐 Lect itaur,ff1,g1,l vg syrhmg,pal copbo geomss goth Origenpt Chrysostom Jeromept Augustine
: των μαθητων αυτου (''his disciples'') — ita,b,c,f,h,k vgms syrs,c geo(mss) Hilary Jeromept
Matthew 11:3
: εργαζομενος (''works'') — D
: ερχομενος (''comes'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:5
: και χωλοι περιπατουσιν (''and the lame are walking'') — omitted by D itd Clement
Matthew 11:5
: και πτωχοι ευαγγελιζονται (''and the poor are being evangelized'') — omitted by itk syrs Diatessaron(syr) Clement
Matthew 11:7
: και μετα ταυτα (''And after these things'') — syrs
: τουτων δε πορευομενων (''But these were going'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:8
: αλλα τι εξηλθατε ανθρωπον ιδειν (''Moreover, why did youpl go out? To see a man...'') — א
: αλλα τι εξηλθατε ιδειν ανθρωπον (''Moreover, what did youpl go out to see? A man...'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:8
: εν μαλακοις (''in delicacies'') — א B D Z ita,aur,c,d,ff1,g1,k,q vg
: εν μαλακοις ιματιοις (''in delicate garments'') — C L P W X Δ Θ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 22 33 𝔐 Lect itb,f,h,l syr cop goth
Matthew 11:9
: αλλα τι εξηλθατε προφητην ιδειν (''Moreover, why did youpl go out? To see a prophet?'') — א
* B1 W Z 0281 892 copbo,mae ethmss Origenpt Chrysostompt
: αλλα τι εξηλθατε ιδειν προφητην (''Moreover, what did youpl go out to see? A prophet?'') — א1 B(
C D E F G K L N Ovid P X Δ Θ Π Σ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect latt syr copsa goth arm ethmss geo slav Diatessaronarm Origenpt Ambrosiaster Hilary Chrysostompt Jerome Augustine Cyril
Matthew 11:13
: και ο νομος (''and the Law'') — omitted by syrs copboms
Matthew 11:15
: ωτα (''ears'') — B D 174 700 itd,k syrs
: ωτα ακουειν (''ears to hear'') — א C E F G K L N W X Z Δ Θ Π Σ ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 157 180 205 565 579 597 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syr cop arm eth geo slav gothvid Diatessaronarm Justin Clement Origen Chrysostom Jerome
Matthew 11:16
: ετεροις (''to others'') — א B D Zvid ƒ1 28 892 itmss
: ετεροις αυτων (''to their others'') — C L W Θ ƒ13 𝔐pt
: εταιροις (''to friends'') — G 565 700 1010 itaur,ff1,l vg Hippolytus Origen
: εταιροις αυτων (''to their friends'') — syr copsa 𝔐pt
Matthew 11:17
: εθρηνησαμεν (''we lamented'') — א B D Z ƒ1 47 54 67 248 279 372 535 892 1061 1068
* 1132 1254 1543 2586 2623 2737 𝑙''48'' 𝑙''211''pt 𝑙''292'' itaur,c,d,f,ff1,g1,k,l vgmss cop goth geomss Clement Gregory Chrysostompt Augustinept
: εθρηνησαμεν υμιν (''we lamented to youpl'') — C E F G K L N W X Δ Θ Π Σ Φ ƒ13 22 28 33 118 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 1006 1009 1010c 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1365 1424 1505 1546 1582c 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect ita,b,ff2,h,q vgmss syr arm eth geomss slav Diatessaron Gregorymss Didymus Chrysostompt Jerome Augustinept Hesychius
Matthew 11:18
: ηλθεν γαρ προς υμας Ιωαννης (''For John came unto youpl'') — (L) Θ ƒ13 517 1675 syr(s),c,h Codex Schøyenvid Eusebius
: ηλθεν γαρ Ιωαννης (''For John came'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:19
: εργων αυτης (''her deeds'') — א B
* W 124 202 788 1319 2145 syrp,h copsamss,bo ethmss slavmss Origenpt (Apollinaris) Jeromemss
: τεκνων αυτης (''her children'') — Bc C D E F G K L N X Δ Θ Π Σ Φ ƒ1 13 22 28 33 157 174 180 205 346 543 565 579 597 700 826 828 892 983 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 2680 𝔐 Lect latt syrs,c,hmg copsamss,mae-1 goth arm ethmss geo slavmss Diatessaron Irenaeuslat Origenpt Hilary Ambrose Epiphanius Chrysostom Jerome Augustine
: τεκνων αυτων (''its children'') — 165 1536 2290
Matthew 11:20
: Τοτε ηρξατο ο Ιησους ονειδιζειν (''Then Jesus began to reproach'') — C K L N W Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 565 579 892 𝔐pt itg1,h vgmss syr cosamss
: Τοτε ηρξατο ονειδιζειν (''Then he began to reproach'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:21
: Χοραζιν και Βηθσαιδα (''Chorazin and Bethsaida!'') — D it
: Χοραζιν ουαι σοι Βηθσαιδα (''Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:21
: καθημενοι μετενοησαν (''seated, repented'') — א C 33
: καθημεναι μετενοησαν (''seated, repented'') — Δ ƒ1 892 1424 syrh
: μετενοησαν (''repented'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:23
: και συ, Καφαρναουμ, μη εως ουρανου υψωθηση (''And you, Capernaum, will not be raised up unto heaven'') — א B
* C
* D W Θ 372 1253 ita,aur,b,c,d,ff1,ff2,(k),(l) vg syrc co arm eth geo Irenaeuslat Gaudentius Jeromemss
: και συ, Καφαρναουμ, μη εως του ουρανου υψωθηση (''And you, Capernaum, will not be raised up unto the heaven'') — Cc Y ƒ1 22
: και συ, Καφαρναουμ, η εως ουρανου υψωθηση (''And you, Capernaum, who unto heaven (think ) you will be raised'') — Bc
: και συ, Καφαρναουμ, η εως του ουρανου υψωθησει (''And you, Capernaum, will you be raised up unto the heaven?'') — L Jeromems
: και συ, Καπερναουμ, η εως του ουρανου υψωθεισα (''And you, Capernaum, who is elevated unto the heaven'') — K M N Π
* Σ 33 565 579 892 983 1009 1071 1079 1195 1216 1242 1243 1424 1505 1546 1582c 1646 𝔐pt Lect ith syrs,p,h (slav) Caesarius Chrysostompt Jeromems
: και συ, Καπερναουμ, η εως ουρανου υψωθεισα (''And you, Capernaum, who is elevated unto heaven'') — X Δ 124 157 597 1230 1292
: και συ, Καπερναουμ, η εως του ουρανου υψωθησ (''And you, Capernaum, you who would be raised up unto the heaven'') — E F G S U V Y Γ Πmg 13 118 180 205 209 700 (828) 1006 1010 1342 1344 1364 2174 𝔐pt itf,(g1),q Chrysostompt Maximus Jeromemss
: και συ, Καπερναουμ, εως ουρανου υψωθησ (''And you, Capernaum, would be raised up unto heaven'') — 2148
: και συ, Καπερναουμ, η εως ουρανου υψωθησ (''And you, Capernaum, you who would be raised up unto heaven'') — 28 788
Matthew 11:23
: καταβηση (''you will descend'') — B D W 163 372 2680 2737 latt syrs,c copsa goth arm eth geo slav Irenaeuslat Caesarius Jerome
: καταβιβασθηση (''you will be brought down'') — א C E F G K L N X Y Δ Θ Π Σ Φ ƒ1 ƒ13 22 28 33 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect syrp,h copbo,mae-1 Gaudentius Chrysostom Pelagius
Matthew 11:25
: και συνετων (''and intelligent'') — omitted by syrs,c Hilary Augustinevid
Matthew 11:27
: του πατρος (''the father'') — א
* copsams,bo Justin Marcosians
: του πατρος μου (''my father'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:27
: ουδεις επιγινωσκει τον πατερα ει μη ο υιος ουδε τον υιον ει μη ο πατηρ (''no one intimately knows the father except the son, nor the son except the father'') — N X Diatessaron(syr),arm Marcus Justin Irenaeuspt Eusebius(pt) (Ephraem) Adamantius (Marcellus) Didymuspt (Pseudo-Clementines) Epiphanius(pt) Severian (John)
: ουδεις επιγινωσκει τις εστιν ο υιος ει μη ο πατηρ ουδε τον πατερα τις επιγινωσκει ει μη ο υιος (''no one intimately knows someone is the son except the father, nor the father someone intimately knows except the son'') — 1010
: ουδεις επιγινωσκει τον υιον ει μη ο πατηρ ουδε τον πατερα τις επιγινωσκει (''no one intimately knows the son except the father, nor the father someone intimately knows'') — 1505
: ουδεις επιγινωσκει τον υιον ει μη ο πατηρ ουδε τον πατερα τις επιγινωσκει ει μη ο υιος (''no one intimately knows the son except the father, nor the father () someone intimately know except the son'') — ''rell''
Matthew 11:29
: μαθετε (''learn'') — א
* 245 1010
: μαθετε απ’ εμου (''learn from me'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:1
: σταχυας και ταις χερσιν αυτων ψωχειν (''grain heads and rubbing them with their hands'') — it(c) syrc
: σταχυας (''grain heads'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:2
: τι οι μαθηται σου (''Why do your disciples'') — it(c) syrs,c
: ιδου οι μαθηται σου (''Look, your disciples'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:2
: εν σαββατω (''on Sabbath'') — omitted by itff1,k syrs,c
Matthew 12:4
: ελαβεν (''he took'') — 892
* Ambrosiaster
: εφαγον (''they ate'') — א B 481
: εφαγεν (''he ate'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:4
: ο ουκ εξον ην (''which was not permissible'') — B D W ƒ13 22 itaur,ff2
syrp arm
: ους ουκ εξον ην (''whichpl was not permissible'') — א C E G K L Θ 0233 ƒ1 (33) 565 892 𝔐 Lect lat syrh cop
Matthew 12:4
: αλλ’ η τοις ιερευσιν (''but rather the priests'') — ƒ1 22
: ει μη τοις ιερευσιν μονοις (''except the chief priests alone'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:9
: εκειθεν ο Ιησους (''from there, Jesus'') — C N Σ itc,g1,h syrp
: εκειθεν (''from there'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:10
: τοις σαββασιν θεραπευσαι (''to heal on the Sabbaths'') — omitted by syrs
Matthew 12:12
: μαλλον διαφερει (''more valuable'') — Θ ƒ13 33 157 517 565 713 1424 1675 lat syrs,c copmae
: διαφερει (''better'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:13
: απεκατεσταθη υγιης (''it was restored healthy'') — א Cc 892
: απεκατεσταθη ως η αλλη (''it was restored, like the other'') — itb,c,ff1,g1h syrs,c,p arm
: απεκατεσταθη η χειρ αυτου υγιης ως η αλλη (''his hand was restored, healthy like the other'') — 118 209 983 1424 1689 𝑙''184''
: απεκατεσταθη υγιης ως η αλλη (''it was restored, healthy like the other'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:15
: πολλοι (''many'') — א B Πc 372 873 lat syr(s),(c) ethmss Eusebiuspt (Chromatius) Jerome Augustine
: οχλοι (''crowds'') — N
* copsamss
: πολλοι οχλοι (''many crowds'') — X 0211 0233 1194 2680 ethmss Hilary
: οχλοι πολλοι (''many crowds'') — C D E G K L Nc W Δ Θ Π
* Σ 0281 ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 157 180 205 565 579 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect itd,f,h,(q) syrp,h copsams,bo arm eth(mss) geo slav Diatessaron Origen Eusebiuspt (Hilary) Chrysostom
Matthew 12:16
: και επετιμα αυτοις (''And he was reprimanding them'') — Θ
: δε ους εθεραπευσεν επεπληξεν αυτοις (''But whoever he healed, he rebuked'') — D ƒ(1) it
: δε ους εθεραπευσεν επεπληξεν αυτοις και επετιμησεν αυτοις (''But whoever he healed, he rebuked them and reprimanded them'') — W
: και επετιμησεν αυτοις (''And he reprimanded them'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:22
: ωστε τον κωφον (''so that the deaf-mute'') — א B D 892 983 1424 itff1,g1,k syrs,c cop
: ωοτε τον κωφον και τυφλον (''so that the deaf-mute and blind'') — L W X Δ Θ 0233 ƒ1 ƒ13 517 700 713 𝑙''844'' 𝑙''2211'' syrp,h Basil
: ωστε τον τυφλον και κωφον (''so that the blind and deaf-mute'') — C 0281 22 33 565 𝔐 Lect itq
: text omitted — lat
Matthew 12:24 (also Matthew 12:27)
: Βεεζεβουλ (''Beezeboul'') — א B
: Belzebul — itd
: Beelzebub or Baalzebub — itc,(ff1) vg syrs,c,p
: Βεελζεβουλ (''Beelzeboul'') — C (D) (L) W Θ 0281 ƒ1 ƒ13 33 𝔐 Lect itmss syrh (cop) Origen
Matthew 12:25
: ο Ιησους (''Jesus'') — omitted by א B D 892
* 𝑙''387'' itd,(k) syrs,c copsa,bomss slavmss Chrysostompt
Matthew 12:29
: διαρπασαι (''plunders'') — א Cc D L Θ ƒ13 𝔐 Lect syrc
: αρπασαι (''seizes'') — B C
* N W ƒ1 892 1424
Matthew 12:30
: σκορπιζει (''is scattering'') — B C D K L W X Δ Θ Π ƒ1 ƒ13 28 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1253 1344 1365 1546 1582c 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect lat syr copsa arm geo
: σκορπιζει με (''is scattering me'') — א 33 1582
* syrhmg copbo eth Origen Athanasius Chrysostom
: διαρπαστω (''is plundering'') — 𝑙''185''
: omit text — itk
Matthew 12:31
: βλασφημια αφεθησεται υμιν τοις ανθρωποις (''blasphemy will be forgiven to youpl by men'') — B ƒ1 22 syrpalmss copsa,mae-1 Origen Athanasius
: βλασφημια αφεθησεται αυτοις τοις ανθρωποις (''blasphemy will be forgiven to them by men'') — ethmss
: βλασφημια αφεθησεται (''blasphemy will be forgiven'') — syrpalmss
: βλασφημια αφεθησεται τοις ανθρωποις (''blasphemy will be forgiven to men'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:31
: ουκ αφεθησεται (''will not be forgiven'') — א B ƒ1 22 174 517 892 1424 1675 itaur,k vg copsa,bo,mae-2
: ουκ αφεθησεται αυτω (''will not be forgiven to him'') — it(b),ff1,h syrs,c copboms,mae-1
: ουκ αφεθησεται τοις ανθρωποις (''will not be forgiven to men'') — C D L W Θ 0271 ƒ13 33 𝔐 Lect itmss syrp,h
Matthew 12:32
: κατα του υιου του ανθρωπου ουκ αφεθησεται αυτω (''against the Son of Man, it will not be forgiven to him'') — B
: κατα του υιου του ανθρωπου αφεθησεται αυτω (''against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven to him'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:32
: κατα του πνευματος του αγιου ου μη αφεθησεται αυτω (''against the Holy Spirit, it will not in any way be forgiven to him'') — א
: κατα του πνευματος του αγιου ου μη αφεθη αυτω (''against the Holy Spirit, may it not in any way be forgiven to him'') — B
: κατα του πνευματος του αγιου ουκ αφεθησεται αυτω (''against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven to him'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:34
: το στομα λαλει αγαθα (''the mouth is speaking good things'') — D
* itd
: το στομα λαλει (''the mouth is speaking'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:35
: εκ του αγαθου θησαυρου της καρδιας αυτου (''out of the good treasure of his heart'') — L ƒ1 33 itaur,(f) vgmss syr(s),(c)
: εκ του αγαθου θησαυρου (''out of his good treasure'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:38
: και Φαρισαιων (''and of the Pharisees'') — omitted by B
Matthew 12:44
: ευρισκει τον οικον (''he finds the house'') — D syrh(mg)
: ευρισκει αυτον (''he finds it'') — itc,ff2,h vgmss copmae
: ευρισκει (''he finds'') — ''rell''
Matthew 12:46
: ζητουντες αυτω λαλησαι (''seeking to speak to him'') — omitted by א
Matthew 12:47
: Verse omitted — א
* B L Γ 579 597 1009 𝑙''12'' 𝑙''387'' itff1,k syrs,c copsa,mae-2
Matthew 13:9
: ωτα (''ears'') — א
* B L ita,e,ff1,k syrs Tertullian
: ωτα ακουειν (''ears to hear'') — ''rell''
Matthew 13:33
: ελαλησεν αυτοις (''he spoke to them'') — B W 0233 0242vid ƒ1 33 𝔐 lat syrp copbo
: ελαλησεν αυτοις λεγων (''he spoke to them, saying'') — א L Θ f 13 ith,(l),q vgmss copsams mae
: παρεθηκεν αυτοις λεγων (''he propounded to them, saying'') — C 1241 copsamss
: omitted by — D itd,(k) syrs,c Codex Schøyen
Matthew 14:12
: σωμα (''body'') — W 0106 0136 𝔐 lat syrh copsa
: πτωμα (''corpse'') — א B C D L Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 33 565 700 892 1010 1241 1424 e k syrs, c, p copbo
Matthew 15:6
: τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ (''his father'') — אa, B, D, ita, d, e, syrc, copsa, geo
: τὸν πατέρα ἢ τὴν μητέρα αὐτοῦ (''father or his mother'') — Θ ƒ1 (1216 omit αὐτοῦ) 𝑙''184'', geoB, Origen
: τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ ἢ τὴν μητέρα (''his father or mother'') — 084 ƒ13 33 700 892 1071
: τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ ἢ τὴν μητέρα αὐτοῦ (''his father or his mother'') — C, K, L, W, X, Δ, Π, 0106, 1009, 1010, 1079, 1195, 1230, 1242, 1253, 1344, 1365, (1546), 1646, 2148, 2174, 𝔐 Lect
: τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὴν μητέρα αὐτοῦ (''his father and his mother'') — 565, 1241
Matthew 15:6 (see Mark 7:13)
: τὸν λόγον (''word'') — אa, B, D, Θ, 700, 892, 1230, ita, b, d, e, ff1, syrc, s, p, hmg, copsa, bo, arm, eth, geo, Diatessaron, Ireneus, Origen, Eusebius, Augustine
: τὸν νόμον (''Law'') — א
*, b
, C, 084, ƒ13, 1010, geo2
: τὴν ἐντολήν (''commandment'') — K, L, W, X, Δ, Π, 0106, ƒ1, 33, 565, 1009, 1071, 1079, 1216, 1241, 1242, 1253, 1344, 1365, 1546, 1646, 2148, 2174, 𝔐 Lect, itaur, c, f, g1, l, q, vg, syrh, Origen
Matthew 15:15
: τὴν παραβολὴν ταύτην (''this parable'') — C, D, K, L, W, X, Θ, Π, 0119, 33, 565, 1009, 1010, 1071, 1079, 1195, 1216, 1230, 1241, 1242, 1253, 1344, 1365, 1546, 1646, 2148, 2174, 𝔐 Lect
: τὴν παραβολὴν αὐτήν (''parable that'') — Δ
: ταύτην τὴν παραβολήν (''this parable'') — ƒ13
: τὴν παραβολήν (''parable'') — א, B, 0237, ƒ1, 700, 892, copsa, copbo, geoB
Matthew 15:31
: λαλοῦντας κυλλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''speaking, the crippled healed'') — C K L P W X Δ Π 565 (700c) 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1242 1344 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 𝑙''1231'' 𝑙''1761'' itd, f, q
: λαλοῦντας, κυλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''idem.'') — 𝑙''185''
: λαλοῦντας καὶ κυλλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''speaking, and the crippled healed'') — D Θ ƒ13 33 1230 1253 𝑙''76'' syrp h
: ἀκούοντας κυλλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''hearing, the crippled healed'') — B
: ἀκούοντας κυλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''idem.'') — 𝑙''211''
: ἀκούοντας καὶ λαλοῦντας κυλλοὺς ὑγιεῖς (''hearing and speaking, the crippled healed'') — N O Σ
: λαλοῦντας (''speaking'') — א ƒ13 700
* 892 𝑙''184'' it vg syr eth geo Origen
Matthew 16:2b-3
The manuscripts of the Alexandrian textual tradition exclude the passage.
Matthew 16:12
: της ζυμης των αρτων (''leaven of bread'') — א2, B, L, 892, 1009, 1241
: της ζυμης των αρτων των Φαρισαιων και Σαδδουκαιων (''leaven of bread of the Pharisees and Sadducees'') — א, ff1, syrcur
: της ζυμης των Φαρισαιων (''leaven of the Pharisees'') — 33
: των αρτων (''bread'') — ƒ1
: της ζυμης του αρτου (''leaven of bread'') — C, W, 𝔐 c, f, q, syrp, syrh, copsa, copbo
: της ζυμης (''leaven'') — D, Θ, ƒ13, 565, a, b, ff2, syrs
Matthew 17:21
: Verse included — C D K L W X Δ Π ƒ1 ƒ13
: Verse omitted — א B Θ 33 892 syrc pal copsa bo arm eth
Matthew 18:11
: Verse omitted — א B L
* Θ 33 892txt it syr cop
Matthew 19:29
: ἐκατονπλασίονα (''hundredfold'') — א C D W Θ ƒ1 ƒ13 28 33 565 700 892 1009 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1253 1344 1365 1546 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect it vg syr copbo arm eth
: πολλαπλασίονα (''manifold'') — B L 1010 syrpal copsa ethmss
Matthew 20:28
: D and Φ have an addition:

"But seek to increase from that which is small, and to become less from which is greater. When you enter into a house and are summoned to dine, do not sit down at the prominent places, lest perchance a man more honorable than you come in afterwards, and he who invited you come and say to you, "Go down lower"; and you shall be ashamed. But if you sit down in the inferior place, and one inferior to you come in, then he that invited you will say to you, "Go up higher"; and this will be advantageous for you."〔Bruce M. Metzger, Bart D. Ehrman, ''The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration'', Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 71.〕

Matthew 21:23
: διδασκοντι (''while he was teaching'') — omitted by 7 ita, b, c, ff1, ff2(c), h, l, r1 vgmss syrs,c Hippolytus Origenpt
Matthew 21:31〔Bruce M. Metzger, ''A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2001), p. 45.〕〔NA26, p. 60.〕
: ὁ πρῶτος (''the first'') — א, C
*, K, W, Δ, Π, 𝔐
: ὁ δεύτερος (''the second'') — 4, 273
: ὁ ὕστερος (''the latter'') — B
: ὁ ἔσχατος (''the last'') — D, Θ, ƒ13
Matthew 21:44
: verse omitted — D 33 ita,b,d,e,ff1,ff2,r1 syrs Diatessaronsyr Irenaeus Origen Eusebiussyr
Matthew 22:10
: γαμος (''wedding'') — B1 D W Θ 33 085 0161 ƒ1 ƒ13 𝔐 Irenaeuslat
: νυμφων (''bride'') — א B
* L 0138 892 1010 𝑙''102''
: αγαμος (''unmarried person'') — C
Matthew 23:26
: καὶ τῆς παροψίδος (''and dish'') — א, B, C, L, W, 33, syrp, h) 𝔐 cop ƒ13
: phrase omitted — D Q 1 118 209 1582 700 a d e ff1 r1 syrs) geo Irenaeuslat Clement (hiatus: b syrcur)
Matthew 23:38
: ἔρημος — mss of the Western, Caesarean, Byzantine and some of Alexandrian text-types
: word omitted — (?), B, L, 𝑙''184''
Matthew 25:17
: ἐκέρδησεν — א, B, C
*, L, 33, 892, 1010, 1546, itaur, g1, l, vg, syrp, pal, copsa, bo, arm, eth
: καὶ αὐτὸς ἐκέρδησεν — D itd
: ἐκέδησεν καὶ αὐτός — A, C3, K, W, X, Δ, Θ, Π, 074 ƒ1 ƒ13, 28, 565, 700, 1009, 1071, 1079, 1195, 1216, 1230, 1241, 1242, 1253, 1344, 1365, 1646, 2174, 𝔐 Lect ith, syrh
Matthew 26:28
: διαθήκης (''covenant'') — Θ and Alexandrian mss
: καινῆς διαθήκης (''new covenant'') — Western, Caesarean and Byzantine mss
Matthew 27:4
: ἀθῷον (''innocent'') — א B
* C K W X Δ Π 𝔐 Lect
: δίκαιον (''righteous'') — B2mg L Θ
Matthew 27:9
: ἐπληρώθη τὸ ῥηθὲν διὰ Ἰερεμίου τοῦ προφήτου (''fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet'') — omitted word Ιερεμιου (Jeremiah) in manuscripts Φ 33 ita itb syrs, p copbo
: ἐπληρώθη τὸ ῥηθὲν διὰ Ζαχαρίου τοῦ προφήτου (''fulfilled what was spoken by Zachariah the prophet'') — 22 syrhmg
: ἐπληρώθη τὸ ῥηθὲν διὰ Ἰησαίου τοῦ προφήτου (''fulfilled what was spoken by Isaiah the prophet'') — 21
Matthew 27:16
: Ἰησοῦν τὸν Βαραββᾶν (''Jesus the Barabbas'') — Θ ƒ1 700
* syrs, pal arm geo2
: τὸν Βαραββᾶν (''the Barabbas'') — B 1010 Origen Jerome ("Barabbas, or Bar Rabbah, which is interpreted as ''the son of their master'')〔Jerome, ''Commentary on Matthew'' 4〕
: Βαραββᾶν (''Barabbas'') — א A D K L W Δ Π 064 ƒ13 565 700c 892 1009 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1253 1344 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect copsa,bo goth
Matthew 27:49 (see John 19:34)
: ἄλλος δὲ λαβὼν λόγχην ἒνυξεν αὐτοῦ τὴν πλευράν, καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὖδορ καὶ αἳμα (''the other took a spear and pierced His side, and immediately came out water and blood'') — א B C L U Γ 1010 1293 syrpal ethmss vgmss
: phrase omitted by all others — A D E F G H K M S W Δ Θ Σ 090 𝔐 it am syrcur copsa copbo arm geo and late Alexandrian witness 892
Matthew 28:19 (詳細はof the father and of the son and of the holy spirit'') א A B D W ƒ1,13 𝔐 latt syr co ''rell''
: Πορευθέντες μαθητεύσατε πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ἐν τῷ ὀνόματί μου (''Go make disciples of all the nations in my name'') EusebiusAnte-Nicene
: Compare with , , , , 1 Corinthians 1:13

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